- Marketing & Sales services
- Patients Association and Health Authorities Services
- Orphan Drugs Registration
- PV and Regulatory Services
- Pricing & Reimbursement, Market Access Services
- Distribution Services
- Logistics
check some here.
Our deep knowledge of EEC, Baltic region and in Greece, Cyprus and Malta makes us the ideal trustworthy partner to commercialize Rare Disease products in this unique and highly profitable region.
Our proven knowledge for introducing Orphan Drugs in EEC using fast truck procedures and offering therapeutic alternatives to Patients and HCP reflects on our core values.
We are dedicated to creating a business landscape influenced by Patients’ Associations and Health Stakeholders and managing effectively your products following Low Volume – High Price dogma.
- Proven successful track record in Rare Diseases
- Multinational environment
- Robust corporate control system
- Simple and flexible procedures
- Transparency and Ethically driven
- Partner Services and patient-focus
- Passionate and highly skilled professionals who build and reinforce Product/Partner image
Bios Therapeutics has the exclusive rights to register, market and sell Neobiomics’ proprietary product ProPrems® in Greece.
Με απόλυτη επιτυχία, πραγματοποιήθηκε η Υβριδική Ημερίδα του συλλόγου ασθενών και φίλων πασχόντων από κληρονομικά μεταβολικά νοσήματα “ΚΡΙΚΟΣ ΖΩΗΣ”