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Bios Therapeutics is a
NEXT-GENERATION Rare Diseases Pharmaceutical organization
Bios Therapeutics is a NEXT-GENERATION
Rare Diseases Pharmaceutical organization providing services and solutions for geographical expansion of small and mid-size companies and acting on their behalf on local or regional level.
Our profound experience in the Bio-/Pharmaceutical branch enables us to offer business solutions and services specific to Orphan Drugs, as well as to Innovative Products who require special solutions in Pricing & Reimbursement, Market infrastructure in order to be available to every patient in the region.
Our services:
Bios Therapeutics aims to provide the well-being and quality of life to every patients, and to support patients’ associations in country / region or European-level.
Done lot’s projects let’s
check some here.
Why you should choose BIOS Therapeutics for business.

Our deep knowledge of EEC, Baltic region and in Greece, Cyprus and Malta makes us the ideal trustworthy partner to commercialize Rare Disease products in this unique and highly profitable region.

Our proven knowledge for introducing Orphan Drugs in EEC using fast truck procedures and offering therapeutic alternatives to Patients and HCP reflects on our core values.

We are dedicated to creating a business landscape influenced by Patients’ Associations and Health Stakeholders and managing effectively your products following Low Volume – High Price dogma.

All the above driven by:
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Με απόλυτη επιτυχία, πραγματοποιήθηκε η Υβριδική Ημερίδα του συλλόγου ασθενών και φίλων πασχόντων από κληρονομικά μεταβολικά νοσήματα “ΚΡΙΚΟΣ ΖΩΗΣ”

Bios Therapeutics is focused on 20 EEC region
This region comprises 125 million people and a pharmaceutical market of 30+ billion Euros.